Be Aware
Keep your eyes and ears open. Your local humane society or animal shelter wouldn’t know several instances of animal abuse without those concerned citizens who report cruelty in their neighborhood through phone calls. So, do your part and be on the look out for animals in your own neighborhood. This could be a possible indicator of neglect or abuse.
Distinguish Animal Cruelty
Signs and symptoms are visible in most abused animals. Look for wounds on the body, patches of missing hair, thin and starving animals, limping and tick or flea infestations. Dogs left chained in the yard and without access to food and water is neglectful. Animals hit by a car and not taken to a veterinarian is also a neglectful act. These are all sorts of animal cruelty.
Report Animal Cruelty
Know who to call when reporting animal cruelty. There are some states/provinces that have Humane Law Enforcement officers that investigate and arrest perpetrators of animal cruelty. Sometimes, you have to call the police department or local animal control. Also, when reporting an incident, make sure that you provide as much information possible. Details mean a lot to an investigating officer. Try writing down the event and type of cruelty you witnessed, who was involved, the date, and the location of where it happened.Lastly, set a good example for others. You can prevent animal cruelty and it starts within you. If you are a pet owner, make sure that you always show your pets the love and care that they ought to have. Provide food, fresh water, shelter and medical treatment if your pet is sick. Have your animals spayed or neutered. Be responsible. And to top it off, a lot of hugs and kisses won’t hurt! Save the animals and stop animal cruelty. Learn more how you can prevent animal cruelty in your neighborhood.